Now that Summer is over and Fall is in full force, it is time to start or wrap-up preparation for the winter months. Usually done before the first major frost, a Fall cleanup is highly recommended by our agents for several reasons. One main reason being to help keep your home’s exterior in tip-top shape, therefore not leaving room for catchup maintenance for your future home buyers. 

  • Leaves, Leaves, and More Leaves- For a flourishing yard in the spring, starting with clean-up in the Fall is essential. The main vision we associate with Fall is falling leaves therefore they are the number one cleanup priority. Leaves left on the ground during winter can house unwanted pests and bugs. Raking and blowing leaves off the grass is better for water flow and irrigation in your yard. Lastly, a cleaned up yard allows your grounds to continue to get the nutrients it needs to grow in months to come.

  • Garden- If you decided to plant a vegetable, fruit or herb garden this year, it is time to remove all the plants. Like leftover leaves, your rotting garden plants can also house unwanted pests. Tearing out the plants will allow a clean slate for next year’s plants and eliminates any unwanted yard guests. Herbs continue to grow well indoors throughout the winter. If you are able to repot your herbs and bring them inside, they will continue to provide seasonings all year-round. 

  • Gutters- As the leaves fall, they also tend to pile up in gutters and crevices on top of your home. If you don’t get rid of the leaves, water flow is potentially blocked which can cause exterior and even interior damage. 

  • Put Away Exterior Items- Items to clean, dry out and store for the colder months include canopies, hammocks, lawn chairs, tables, and hoses. Even though these items are created for the outdoors, putting them away will help prolong their lifetime of use. Unless your home has frost-proof faucets, be sure to close off all water flow to those sources. 

  • Prune Trees- Fall cleanup if your time to prune trees and cut any branches that can possibly cause an issue or damage during Winter. With heavy snowfall or ice, these weaker branches have potential to do unwanted damage to your property so getting ahead of the curve can eliminate this. 

  • The Final Cut- The last grass cutting before winter in recommended to be cut shorter then usual. This is done to keep the lawn healthier, avoid fungus growth, and discourage unwanted visitors.

If you have a recommendation of a fall cleanup item we missed on our list please post it in the comments below to share with homeowners across Northeastern Pennsylvania.

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