The holiday season has arrived. People are filling shopping baskets, clicking “add to cart”, decorating houses, preparing holiday meal menus, and much more. They are getting ready to let go of 2021 and start a new year off fresh, and what better way to start fresh than to establish yourself in a new home? Read some of the tips below given by our Realtors to see how moving into a new house can add to the magic of the holidays.

Donate Seasonal Items:
Moving into a new house is the perfect opportunity to sort through your personal items. You will likely realize that a lot of the items collected over the years are no longer needed. Some of the most unwanted items that build up are located in your closets. Luckily, the holiday season is the perfect time to spread holiday joy to others and donate any unwanted items to goodwill. Warm clothes during the cold winter months are always needed. Toys are also great donation items for parents struggling during the holiday season. Rather than holding onto these pieces no longer of use, they could be serving a much better purpose elsewhere. Declutter and organize your closet before moving into a new house, and spread holiday cheer to those in need.

Purchase New Items on Sale:
After decluttering, you might realize you need items that can be used in your new home. The holiday season is a great time to buy items at a discounted price. With all the holiday sales, you can save a significant amount of money on necessary items. From TV’s, kitchen appliances, furniture, etc. the newspaper ads are filled with discounted items. It might be useful to stop in a local home office supply store as well to purchase moving supplies. Most retailers will mark down their prices around December, creating the perfect opportunity to purchase your essentials at a bargain price!

Keep the Holiday Cheer: 
Don’t lose track of the true meaning during the holiday season- family and loved ones. Instead of skipping the holiday completely, make time to celebrate and enjoy it. Even if it is as simple as having holiday music playing in the background while packing. Or taking a few hours to go drive around and look at Christmas lights. Enjoy the celebration and the true meaning behind the holiday season. 

Give Yourself the Gift of a Moving Company:
To give yourself more time to spend with family and loved ones, hiring movers might be helpful. It might be an extra expense, but hiring an extra set of hands will allow you to focus on holiday activities and get-togethers. Give yourself the gift of a moving company and allow yourself some down-time to enjoy the holiday. 

We want to help you stay organized and still have time to enjoy the holidays with your family and friends. The agents at Lewith & Freeman are able to help take off a large amount of the work that goes into selling and buying a house. Contact us today to help keep your home full of holiday spirit, making the transition easier for everyone.  


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