How do I Choose a Realtor? | Ask the Experts
Lewith & Freeman Real Estate Inc. 5 years ago

When beginning the search for a home, or starting the selling process, there are always a lot of questions to be asked. We took to the local community to gather some of the most asked real estate questions and had our team of experienced agents answer them for you. Our first question, "How do I choose a realtor?" addresses the question from both sides of the process.

Greater Scranton Chamber of Commerce 2018 SAGE Awards

We're thrilled to announce that these videos are a finalist for the 2018...
5 Most Important Qualities to Look for in a Realtor
Lewith & Freeman Real Estate Inc. 6 years ago

When it comes to choosing a realtor, the options sometimes seem endless. Your best friend knows someone who is married to a realtor. You neighbor is a realtor. You’re looking at three local real estate websites and they all seem to have many great agents available.

So, where and how do you make a good choice? Start with evaluating them with the following five important criteria.

1- Interpersonal Skills It’s important for a realtor to have good interpersonal skills—you want to enjoy who you’...
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