Why Does Santa Use the Chimney and Not the Front Door?
Lewith & Freeman Real Estate Inc. 6 years ago

When I was much younger, we didn’t have a fireplace in our house—and therefore no chimney. Because of this, there was always concern about how Santa would get us our presents. Despite this fear, every Christmas morning my two brothers and I would wake up to a pile of presents under the Christmas tree. We’d also find a set of boot prints on our deck leading up to the back door. I guess Santa has some lockpicking skills at his disposal.

By the time we moved into a house with a fireplace and a c...
Is Your Chimney Ready for the Winter Chill?
Lewith & Freeman Real Estate Inc. 6 years ago

With the weather getting cooler and the holidays on their way, there's nothing quite like cozying up to the fireplace with a warm blanket and a hot cup of tea. But before you light that first log--when was the last time you had your chimney cleaned?

Prepare Your Chimney

While an often overlooked aspect of home maintenance, chimney cleaning is essential in making sure your winter season at home is just as safe as it is holly and jolly. So before anyone in a red suit comes to town, you really...
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