Moving to a new home is a lot of work and considering there is so much going on during this time there is a lot of steps potentially missed. One of the most important steps is changing your address. You want to make sure all your mail moves with you, especially your important items, such as bank statements or insurance documents. With most accounts being accessible online, it only takes a few moments to swap from your old to new address, but trying to remember everywhere that needs changing can be challenging. 


Our Realtors suggest starting to change your address no longer then one week prior to closing. Starting with changing your address at the local Post Office allows mail that may be sent during this timeframe to be forwarded to your new address just in time. This is a process that will go on before, during, and after your move is complete. Our checklist includes all places to notify of this important and exciting change to prevent your from missing out on essential documents! 


  • Post Office 
  • Bank 
  • DMV (By law, there is a time period in which your address must be changed)
  • Social Security (if you receive any benefits or retirement from here)
  • Internal Revenue Service
  • Your Employer
  • Your Children’s School
  • Credit Card Companies
  • Insurance
  • Loan Providers
  • Voter Registration
  • Doctors (or your Pet’s Doctor!)
  • Utilities (Gas, Water, Electric & Garbage/Recycling)
  • Phone and Internet Provider
  • Accountant
  • Memberships or Subscriptions



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