
Why should you organize your kitchen?

The kitchen is one of the most often used, high-traffic areas of the home. Whether you have your dream kitchen or not, knowing where everything is will help you enjoy it more. Keeping it organized will save you time, money, and decrease your stress.

An organized space will improve functionality in the entire kitchen. You'll have easier access to both cookbooks and recipes, and even find the ingredients with more ease. You'll be able to set the table quicker with orderly cabinets, reduce cleaning time, and even same time during your morning routine with having everything you need in the same place.

Now that you know why you should organize your kitchen, here's five tips on how to get it done!

Start Simple

The first step is simple, but effective.

Group together cooking utensils in an easy-to-access place near where you prepare and cook each meal--next to your stove is a good place.

Keeping the cookware together prevents you from having to dig around for anything you may need while you're in the middle of cooking. This is also the time to de-clutter and reevaluate what you really need in your kitchen.

Serving and measuring tools can be kept in the drawer. Store pot holders and hot pads in the closest drawer near utensils. The easier these items are to grab, the better!

Divide the Drawers

Using drawer, cabinet, pantry, and other storage dividers creates a streamlined space.

These dividers are easy to install, come in various styles, and are practical. A drawer close to your dishwasher may be best for eating utensils so emptying and re-filling the dishwasher is a smooth process. Grouping and separating like items also makes this easier.

If you keep plates, dishes, bowls, pots, and pans in large drawers or sliding racks, dividers would also be useful here. Pegboard systems have a unique look to them and can be easily customized. Adjustable dividers can be moved to fit around different items, and keep them in place.

Hang Pots and Pan Handles

Using the hole at the end of the pot or pan handle for hanging can save a lot of space.

Hang pots and pans on the walls, or even on a rack. They add a decorative touch to the kitchen, and are kept close to hand. You can also hang them from the ceiling, mount a pegboard on the wall, or hang from a rail with s-hooks. Having these cooking necessities in plain-view will also encourage you to keep them shiny and thoroughly clean.

If you do decide to hang pots and pans, minimize other wall accents to avoid having a wall that looks cluttered and busy.

And don't forget the other great use for the hole at the end of the handle--propping a wooden spoon up over the pan while you cook!

Store Cooking Staples in Clear Containers

Cooking staples like oils, vinegar, garlic, herbs, and more are considered food staples--especially when cooking at home.

To save time, space, and stay organized, store these essentials in clear containers and label appropriately. Not only will you ensure the highest level of freshness for these items, but you'll even extend their shelf-life with airtight screw-top jars or clamp-top jars. You can also store other food like snacks and cereals in clear plastic containers to know immediately find exactly what you're looking for.

Organizing your kitchen takes some time and a little bit of work, but it's worth it. Cooking will become easier and you'll be able to keep better track of everything you have. Reassess how organized your kitchen is around the time of the winter holidays when you're probably cooking more than usual. Plus, you'll be set to begin the New Year with an orderly kitchen!

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