
Mother's Day is just around the corner! Ok, ok--more like it's practically here already. Maybe you forgot--or maybe someone didn't let you forget, but you've still somehow waited until the last minute to prepare something. That's ok! Whether your initial plans fell through or you just now realized maybe you're cutting it a bit close, we've got you covered.

Brunch is a perfect way to celebrate Mother's Day. For one, it includes all the best foods--mimosas, french toast, quiche, finger sandwiches, fruit salad, and anything else you might want. Brunch is also easy to host at your house, no matter how last minute it is.

Personally, I prefer hosting events like these at home. You don't have to have time limits on these events (unless you want to) and generally, everyone can come and go as they please. And if everyone in attendance contributes a dish, you suddenly have a ridiculous amount of yummy food that you get to stick your fork into and try. If you've waited until the last minute (like me), it's probably too late to have much of it catered, although that is always a great option. No cooking and minimal mess? Sign me up!

No matter what your food situation is like (hey, I can't come over and help you cook--I have my own Mother's Day to prepare for), here are some quick, easy, and last minute tips for hosting a lovely Mother's Day brunch.

How to prepare your home for guests--quickly

First things first: is your house clean?

Even if you're only hosting a small group of close friends and/or family, cleaning should be one of the first tasks you want to accomplish. Even if it's only a quick "surface" clean in a few rooms, you want your guests to feel comfortable in your space. Things like dust, dirt, and pet dander can also trigger people's allergies. You don't want mom or grandma to be sneezing through the whole afternoon, do you?

Give everything a good dusting and a quick vacuuming. Is Aunt Susan a fan of vacuum lines on the carpet? Seeing them just might make her day. Spot-clean high traffic areas like front windows, hallway mirrors, countertops, etc. And the bathroom! Always clean the bathroom.

While you're cleaning, make space.

Make room in your coat closet or guest bedroom for your guests' coats, purses, umbrellas, etc. so no one trips over anything. If you need room in your fridge and freezer for desserts, food, and beverages, make room now! You spent good money on that ice cream cake--don't let it melt and go to waste!

Is your table big enough to accommodate all guests? Do you have enough chairs? Is there enough room to move about? Ideally, you want to think about these things now before your guests arrive. Even a few extra people in a space can make the room go from feeling cozy to overcrowded.

If need be, now might be the time to work on your home organization skills and get rid of excess clutter...

Prepare the essentials.

While you're thinking about where to put everybody, consider if you have enough of the essentials. Are you going to go with more casual paper products? Or are you dusting off your special china? Either way, be sure to have enough plates, napkins, cups, and silverware for all your guests. It's always a good idea to gather everything you know you will need now so you're not scrambling later.

If you're taking care of all the food, make sure you have a serving utensil for every dish. If everybody is bringing something, have a wide range of utensils available (so no one has to grab the asparagus tips with their fingers!).

We also recommend that you have a variety of beverages for brunch. Mimosas are always a favorite and fun way to toast all the moms in the room. Bloody Marys are also popular alcoholic brunch beverages. Hot coffee, tea, juice, sparkling water, and fruit punch are always good options for adult and kid-friendly beverages.

Make it pretty!

You don't have to get really extravagant with the decorations, especially if you're having a more low-key affair. Cover the table(s) with tablecloths to protect the surface and provide a clean, pleasing look. Simple table covers are perfectly fine, especially if you want to layer a table runner or long piece of decorative fabric in the middle. You can also add some fun, color, or glitz through centerpieces.

Creating personalized name cards for your table is a fun way to bring some personality to your sit-down brunch. We like these "blossoming" name cards , but you can decorate them in any way you'd like! If you or any of your guests are wine fans, you can also turn your corks into simple name card holders!

Flowers go with Mother's Day just as much as Easter, and a few colorful bouquets might just add the perfect touch to brightening the room without going overboard. If space is an issue, bud vases with single flowers or small bouquets are just as decorative as full bouquets. If you don't have bud vases on hand but like the idea of many small bouquets, substitute a vase for a low glass, such as high-ball or stemless wine glasses. Fill them halfway with water and add a few flowers to each, trimming them as necessary. An odd number of vases down the center of the table certainly makes a statement.

Besides creating a pretty visual ambiance, don't forget to consider the other senses, as well. Play some light music during the course of brunch for some pleasant background noise. If you don't want to make your own Mother's Dasy playlist, you can always find something appealing on Spotify--you can find curated Mother's Day playlists there.

Depending on whether your home now smells like bacon and eggs, you might want to clear the air with a more pleasant smell. Candles are an option (either scented or unscented if you're worried about olfactory clashing and just want the look). Essential oils are another option for subtly adding some aroma. You can use a number of diffusers if you have any on hand, or you can apply some drops to bouquets of dried flowers (hey, maybe you saved some Easter bouquets!). Err on the side of caution here, though--an overly-perfumed room might clash with everything else going on around--and on--your guests.

Good Luck!

If you're worried, don't be. Keep it simple. At the end of the day, more people are going to remember the good times spent with family and friends. Everything else is just an afterthought.

Have any secrets to throwing the perfect brunch?

We'd love to hear from you in the comments below!

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