Butcher Block Transformation: A DIY Journey
Lewith & Freeman Real Estate Inc. 6 years ago

With the purchase of a home, new or old, comes many many projects. It the personal touches that make a house a home. One of the most important areas in a home, in my opinion, is the kitchen.

Counter space in my kitchen is limited and I had the opportunity to bring back to life and old butcher block table that, unfortunately, has been outside for the last three years exposed to all the elements.

Cleaning up the butcher block

The table was covered by a tarp for the most part, so that did he...
A Last-minute Friendsgiving to Remember
Lewith & Freeman Real Estate Inc. 6 years ago

Maybe you’re in a new home or apartment this year and you want to be the one who entertains for the holidays. But having both your friends and family over for Thanksgiving might just not be possible… and you just realized this the other day.

Fear not! There is still time to throw an amazing Friendsgiving that your BFFs will never forget.

Quickly: Where did this tradition come from?

Friendsgiving snuck up on me a few years back when a friend threw one for a few of us at college. It was on...
Home Repairs to Never DIY
Lewith & Freeman Real Estate Inc. 6 years ago

Exercising the creative part of your brain to solve problems is great, but there are some repairs that should be left to the professionals—especially in the home.

With the digital age, people have access to an infinite amount of information with the touch of a button. It is not uncommon for people to search videos or "how to" guides on what may seem like a quick fix, and just do it themselves. Social media platforms such as Pinterest and Facebook actively promote a DIY lifestyle.

So, you want to buy a fixer-upper?
Lewith & Freeman Real Estate Inc. 6 years ago

Hi! My name is Megan and I had the crazy idea of buying a fixer-upper!

I don't have much experience with homes other than living in them and, even at that, it's been mostly in apartments. Whenever I had an issue or wanted something, I just made a phone call and the landlord took care of it!

Owning a house is an entirely different ball game, but—with the help of the internet and fellow homeowners—I think fixing up a home is a project that I can take on! So, I'm writing a series of posts in ho...
DIY Home and Linen Spray Using Essential Oils
Lewith & Freeman Real Estate Inc. 6 years ago

Do you love essential oils as much as we do?

For thousands of years, essential oils have been utilized for their many benefits--from cosmetics and dietary purposes to spiritual and religious uses. They can inspire, enhance your wellbeing, and purify your home. Topical application and aromatic diffusion are two of the most popular ways to utilize essential oils.

We've already touched on some of the ways you can easily use essential oils throughout your home--and trust us, there are countless...
Three Ways to Use Chalkboards In Your Home
Lewith & Freeman Real Estate Inc. 7 years ago

Chalkboard decor is taking over homes across the country. Chalkboards are homey, nostalgic (who doesn’t love the smell of chalk?), and handy! Chalk has always been a part of our lives in one form or another: from drawing on the streets and sidewalks as kids to learning in the classroom. And now, it's become a part of our homes. Of our everyday routine. 

Here are a few different ways to use them throughout your home.

First… let’s talk supplies. First up: some chalkboard paint. If you’re mak...
Keep An Eye Out for Etsy Studio--It's the DIY Lover's Dream
Lewith & Freeman Real Estate Inc. 7 years ago

for some, Etsy is a blessing...and a curse. The global creative commerce platform is home to handmade items, vintage goods, and craft supplies. From the simple to the simply strange, the global community of online shops is likely to have exactly what you need...and maybe things you didn't know you needed...and maybe things that you really don't actually need but buy anyway (confession: I have made a lot of these types of purchases).

Etsy isn't for everyone, and it is by no means a perfect sit...
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