
Area rugs can make a great addition to just about any room in your home. Not only are they a great décor accessory, but they have practical uses like shielding the feet from the sharp cold of hardwood and tile flooring.

A great compliment to cabin socks.

Don't be intimidated by adding an area rug to any room in your home. Here are some great tips to help you better plan for your purchase.

Don’t Worry About Sizing (Too Much)

While you don’t want to get a rug that’s bigger than the entire room, don't worry too much about the size of the rug you buy.

Let’s say you’re getting a rug for the living room. You have so many options here! If you buy a smaller rug, don’t put it under the legs of the furniture. Otherwise, you can set the front legs of a couch/chair on a medium-sized rug. If it's on the larger side, set it under all of the furniture's legs. Play around with this a little to get the desired effect, and don’t be afraid to mix it up. Some on, some off. Some partially on and others entirely on. Have fun!

TIP: If you’re adding a rug to a smaller room, you may want to set the legs of the sofa partially or entirely on the rug. Letting the rug float on its own might make the room appear smaller.

Area Rug

If you’re adding a rug underneath a bed, remember that a larger rug is better so that it doesn’t get covered up and lost. If your budget only allows a smaller rug, just place it at the foot of the bed beneath the bottom two legs, as seen in the image to the left.

In the dining room, center the rug beneath the table. Just be aware that food may spill, so darker colors would suit the dining room best. Don't spill your red wine on a brand new white/gray/light blue area rug.

No matter the room, if you end up with a long rectangular rug in your hands, focus on covering the foot-traffic areas. The goal here is to keep the feet warm!


Don’t Hide What’s Beneath It

Remember: these are area rugs. No matter where you place the rug and how you arrange the furniture, be sure that some of the original flooring shows around the rug.

The general rule for this is to show 18 inches of the floor around the rug, but you can go more or a little less. It all depends on the aesthetic you’re going for in the room. Trust your gut. If it looks too crowded or too sparse, move it around!

You'll know when it's right.

Area Rug

Consider Colors and Patterns

Do you want the rug to stand out in the room or blend in? This is a very important question.

If you want the rug to blend in, tuck it under furniture legs and choose a color and pattern close to that of the floor you’re pairing the rug with.

On the other hand, if you want a statement rug, go for a bold, contrasting color or pattern. Let it stand alone for extra oomph!

Rugs are such a fun way to update any room. Pair it with a little furniture rearrangement—maybe some new wall art—and it’ll feel like you live in a new house!

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