
If you’re in the process of purchasing your first home, there are a few things you should know about. For example, you’re going to need to keep on buying things after you make that down payment. New home purchases are a must for most.

But what do you need for your new house? Here’s a short list to get you started!

An updated fuse box.

This is a biggie. If you buy an older home, it’s more than likely that the fuse box is outdated. Take a look at this when you move in and replace it if necessary.

We don’t recommend doing the job yourself unless you are a trained electrician. Look to hire a local electrician to correctly and safely replace your outdated fuse box. You’ll avoid a lot of future headaches if you address this as soon as possible upon moving in to your new home.

Live plants.

What better way to add life to a room? Plants come in all shapes and sizes, but be sure to do your research before making a purchase. Some plants do better in Florida than Pennsylvania, and some require much more care than others overall.

If you feel you don't have what it takes to maintain house plants, think again! We've rounded up a list of plants that are easy to care for in Easy Houseplants For People Who Lack Green Thumbs.




Your grass is eventually going to grow, and some neighborhoods have a policy against letting grass grow past a certain height.

If this is your first home, you likely don’t a lawnmower sitting around waiting to meet its new room in the shed. Visit a local store and talk with a sales person about your needs: do you have a big lawn or a small one? Is it shared? Are there a lot of shrubs that you need to work around? They will help you find the perfect mower to help you maintain your new lawn.

Tools & Repair Items.pexels-photo-196485

If something goes wrong, you’ll want to have some tools on hand in order to try and fix it yourself! You’ll also want to have a hammer so you can hang up those photos and paintings your mother gave you. There are so many different uses for tools in the home, so getting some for yourself will come in handy time and time again.

Looking for specifics on must-have home tools? Check out our post on 15 Tools Every Homeowner Should Have Handy!

Linens, Towels and Floor Coverings.

Start fresh and new! Get new linens and towels and add a few rugs to the home in areas where there are hardwood floors.

No hardwood floors? You can still add some spunk to a room with an area rug! If you go this route, add character and dimension to the room with a patterned rug to match your style and the home’s personality.

Domestic Pets.


Last—but certainly not least—, you might want to consider getting a pet!

If you’re moving to a new neighborhood where you know no one, a guard dog may help you sleep a little easier at night. They're also perfect if you live an active lifestyle as most need walks for exercise. Many breeds are even great to take running!

Alternatively, cats are great if you’re moving to an area near the woods. They’ll serve as a great pest control and keep you entertained when they spot deer or other wildlife outside! They are also very low maintenance—you don't have to take them outside for walks and they're easy to housetrain.

These are just a few must-have purchases to make the transition into your home run more smoothly.

What are some purchases you made after buying your home? Sound off in the comments below!

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