
Having a home gym is important to many people, but what if you just don’t have enough room for keep an elliptical, weights, bench, and all the other workout gear you've always imagined for your dream home gym? Well, creating a small home gym is easier than you think, and small workout spaces are becoming extremely popular as homeowners and buyers are downsizing and looking for small, quaint homes.

Here are some fantastic ways to create a small workout space in your home:

Get the Right Gear.small home gym

If you don’t have room for a cardio machine you’ll want to invest in some good cardio videos, or take to YouTube for some free videos. With these, you might need to invest in small weights, some resistance bands, and maybe even a small TV to broadcast those videos.

Running isn’t the only form of cardio out there, so creating a small home gym gets your creative gears spinning and your muscles guessing as you try out new routines!

Think About Shelving.

This is a great way to keep your gear off the floor! Installing sturdy shelves will help clear up some floor space for you—just be careful with weights. These you might want to keep on the ground, but you may consider investing in a weight rack to keep them neat and organized.

With wall shelving, you can keep your resistance bands, jump ropes, yoga mat, and sanitizing spray up and out of the way! This just might make those dreaded burpees a little bit easier.

small home gym

Add Mirrors.

It’s pretty well known that mirrors make small spaces look bigger because they reflect light. A home gym is a great place to install mirrors both for this reason and because it will help you keep an eye on your form.

This will help prevent injury as you keep an eye on yourself and make adjustments as necessary. Talk about a combo move!

Keep it Organized.

While you definitely want to keep the space itself neat and clean, having a plan will help you crush your fitness goals. Create a wall calendar where you can cross off exercises from a chart as you complete them, then pat yourself on the back every time you cross something off. You deserve it.

Not only will creating a schedule help you keep on track, but being able to see what you’ve completed over time will help keep you accountable and you’ll feel more satisfied with your workouts.

Hide it Away.

This is a great want to instantly turn any space into a gym space. Buy a chest with wheels to store your gear in, then just roll it out of the way when it’s time to break a sweat.

No one will ever know your secret to fitness… unless you tell them.

With these tips and tricks you’ll be able to transform any room in your home to an exercise room while you work to transform yourself.

Happy exercising!

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