
We’ve all lusted after those golden home accessories at least once, but they can just be so pricey!

Fear not! Armed with a bottle of gold (or any metallic color, really) spray paint, we can transform anything into a chic accent piece for any room.

And I mean anything.

Espresso Beans

Gold Spray Paint


A bag of whole coffee beans can sell for as little as $10. Spray paint those beans gold and use them to fill a vase! You can do this with any kind of beans, too. Pinto, black… buy them un-cooked and spray away to spruce up any clear container used for decoration.

Photo Frames

Gold Spray Paint

So fancy!

Upgrade your photos instantly by taking a bottle of gold spray paint to the frames. Silver and copper spray paint look amazing here as well, and you can mix and match among your wall’s photo arrangement.

Faux Flowers

Gold Spray Paint

A good look for any flower.

Stop by your local dollar store and get to work! This is a super inexpensive way to achieve some sparkle. These work best in the fall for gold, but can work beautifully in the winter with silver spray paint.

Branches/Pine Cones

Gold Spray Paint


Great for arranging in vases among seasonal flowers or on a table as decoration for a family dinner. Don’t be shy with these! You can spray the whole thing, just the tips, just the bottom, or create an ombré effect.

Glassware (or silverware, or dishware…)

Gold Spray Paint


Add some variety to your table setting by painting stems of wine classes, spraying chargers (the large plate keep underneath your dinner plate) and even the stems of your silverware.


Gold Spray Paint Add a pop of neon color for a modern look.

Paint the lags of a table gold or the inside of a lamp shade to brighten up any room! Go for a vase too, and don’t feel like you have to spray the whole thing. Create a striped or chevron look by using painter's tape before spraying, then peeling it off once it’s dry.

NOTE: These are some great ways to either bring new life to old things around your house or to upgrade some cheap finds from the thrift or dollar store.

But remember: make sure you do your spray painting in a well-ventilated area, or outside, and make sure that children are properly protected from breathing in any chemicals.

Safety always comes first. After you ensure you’re working in a safe environment, you can dive in and have fun with your projects!

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